Two lectures by Professor Steven L. Schwarcz (Duke) at KU Leuven – on financial innovation and on relative and absolute priority in reorganization


On May 16th and May 17th Prof. Steven Schwarcz will (virtually) give two lectures at KU Leuven (Belgium):

  • On May 16th from 2 to 4 pm (Belgian time) he will be a guest lecturer in the course of “European Banking and Investment Services Law”, currently taught by Prof. Filippo Annunziata, to give a lecture on “Regulating Financial Innovation: FinTech, Crypto-assets, DeFi, and Beyond”. You can join either online, or in room DV3 01.07 (where the online lecture will be streamed).
  • The day after, on May 17th from 9 to 11 am (Belgian time), he will be a guest lecturer in Prof. Joeri Vananroye’s class on Economic Analysis of Law, to speak about “Comparing relative priority under the EU Restructuring Directive with absolute priority under U.S. Chapter 11 as a default rule to achieve creditor consensus” (online only).

Prof. Steven L. Schwarcz is the Stanley A. Star Distinguished Professor of Law & Business at Duke University and Founding Director of Duke’s interdisciplinary Global Capital Markets Center (later renamed the Global Financial Markets Center). His areas of research and scholarship include insolvency and bankruptcy law, international finance, capital markets, systemic risk, corporate governance, and commercial law.

You are very welcome to take the opportunity to join those lecture. Please register here by May 15th.



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